MATLAB: How to print text to the MATLAB command window from a FORTRAN MEX file


How do I print text to the MATLAB command window from a FORTRAN MEX file?

Best Answer

Use mexPrintf to print to the MATLAB command window when using MEX files. Two examples are shown below.
Example 1: Print "API says hello!" to the MATLAB command window
#include "fintrf.h"
subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs)
C Specify alert to be printed
character (len=*), PARAMETER :: txt = "API says hello!"
C Call the API
call mexPrintf(txt)
Example 2: Print the number of input arguments to the MATLAB command window:
#include "fintrf.h"
subroutine mexFunction(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs)
character (len=1) :: c
character (len=50) :: txt
C Specify alert to be printed
write(txt,'(A)') 'Number of inputs (mexPrintf): '
C Convert nrhs to char
write(c,'(i1)') nrhs
C Call the API
call mexPrintf(txt)
call mexPrintf(c)
There are many FORTRAN MEX function source code examples available at:
Look in the table for examples with the .F file extension.