MATLAB: How to copy field contents of one struct to another


Hi all,
I have got two structs, A and B. B has a subset of the fields of A:
A.f1 = 1;
A.f2 = 2;
A.f3 = 3;
B.f1 = 4;
B.f2 = 5;
Now I want to copy all field content of B to the corresponding fields of struct A, leaving the other fields of A unchanged:
A.f1 = B.f1;
A.f2 = B.f2;
% A.f3 == 3 untouched
Is there a simply way to achieve this for arbitraty structs A and B, considering that B's field names are always a subset of A's field names?
Thank you very much, Ralf

Best Answer

Iterate over the fieldnames of B to copy them using dynamic field names:
A = struct('f1', 1, 'f2', 2, 'f3', 3);
B = struct('f1', 4, 'f2', 5);
for fn = fieldnames(B)'
A.(fn{1}) = B.(fn{1});