MATLAB: How to convert the float into binary ?? the float values are audio samples and also the negative values are there

signal processsing

[x,fs] = wavread('C:\Users\hp\Desktop\ee.wav'); the valuess of in 26121*1double…. float2bin is not working for the double it produce the error as undefined function'float2bin'for the input arguments of double

Best Answer

This is an ill-defined problem, unless you specify what encoding method you want. And MATLAB does not have an inbuilt function named "float2bin", which is why you are getting this error. This is a topic that has been discussed before on MATLAB Answers, and even some other forums:
Although it is important to note that the problem is ill-defined, because "There is no one right answer on how to represent a fractional number in binary" (quoted from Peter at the last link).
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