MATLAB: How to convert multi sized cell array into an MxN matrix

cell arraysconversion into matrix

I have a cell array of 1×257 in which each cell array column contains different sized Mx1 array as shown in the screenshot. Cell_array.jpg
As you can see, each column in this cell array has different number or rows in it. I need to convert this cell array named Voltage into a matrix with each column contains all the numerical data that is present in the correspoding cell array column.
That means, the first cell array has 143 rows. So the column 1 of my new matrix has 143 rows. Similarly column 2 contains 44 rows etc. upto 257 columns. Is it even possible to form a table of different rows ?
Advance gratitude for any help.

Best Answer

Matrices have te same number of elements in all columns and rows, repsectively. This is the definition of a matrix. So you cannot store vectors of different lengths in a matrix.
You can pad the vectors with NaNs, if this is sufficient for your problem. But storing a collection of vectors of different size in a cell array seems to be clear, clean and efficient.