MATLAB: How to convert from the pixel position in an image to 3D “world” coordinates


I have a 3D Model that I have captured an image of using "getframe".
I need to convert pixel locations in the image to 3D Coordinates on the model. How can I do this?

Best Answer

To convert from pixel locations in an image to 3D coordinates, you can reverse the forward projection pipeline for 3D graphics. Note that this process will output vectors describing a ray in 3D coordinates, and that all points on this ray are projected to the same pixel locations.
I will first describe the forward transformation, followed by a brief discussion of how to reverse these transformations.
The 'forward' transformation is described by the following steps:
1. Convert the model's Cartesian coordinates to homogeneous coordinates. If a point on the model is specified by the column vector 'x', you can do this as shown below:
>> xHomogeneous = [x;1]
2. Perform a 'model transform', which scales the 'Cartesian' portion of the vector such that each component lies in the range 0 to 1. The 4th element (the homogeneous part) remains untouched. This is described by the matrix below:
>> xl = a.XLim;
>> yl = a.YLim;
>> zl = a.ZLim;
>> xscale = 1/diff(xl);
>> yscale = 1/diff(yl);
>> zscale = 1/diff(zl);
>> model_xfm = [xscale, 0, 0, -xl(1)*xscale; ...
0, yscale, 0, -yl(1)*yscale; ...
0, 0, zscale, -zl(1)*zscale; ...
0, 0, 0, 1];
3. Obtain the 'view matrix' for the current axes. This matrix describes the coordinate transformation that takes 'model' coordinates to 'camera' coordinates. These are coordinates such that the camera is positioned at the origin and looking down the negative z-axis. The code below shows how to do this given an axes handle 'a'.
>> v = view(a)
4. Convert the coordinates from right-handed to left handed by using the matrix below, which inverts the z-coordinate. Construct the total view matrix by multiplying this by 'v':
>> leftHandedToRightHanded = [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0; ...
0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0; ...
0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0; ...
0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0];
>> view_xfm = leftHandedToRightHanded * v;
5. Construct the viewport that the final image will be projected onto. This is essentially just an axes with the location in pixels. For example, if the model is originally plotted in the axes 'a' referenced above, a new viewport can be constructed as below:
>> old_units = a.Units;
>> a.Units = 'pixels';
>> viewport = a.Position;
>> a.Units = old_units;
>> ar = viewport(3)/viewport(4);
6. Compute the projection transform. To do this, you need to construct an imaginary frustum that encapsulates the scene. Note that the frustum is specified in 'camera' coordinates. To do this, you can use the same format that OpenGL uses for the projection matrix. This is shown in the code snippet below:
>> fov = a.CameraViewAngle;
>> tanfov = tand(fov/2);
>> n = .1;
>> f = 10;
>> r = tanfov * ar * n;
>> l = -r;
>> t = tanfov * n;
>> b = -t;
>> proj_xfm = [2*n/(r-l), 0, (r+l)/(r-l), 0; ...
0, 2*n/(t-b), (t+b)/(t-b), 0; ...
0, 0, -(f+n)/(f-n), -2*f*n/(f-n); ...
0, 0, -1, 0];
7. Finally, after applying the projective transform, convert to 'normalized device coordinates' by dividing by the fourth element of the vector. Then, convert to viewport coordinates. These steps are illustrated below. Note that the entire transformation is shown here.
>> yHomogeneous = proj_xfm*leftHandedToRightHanded*v*model_xfm*xHomogeneous;
>> yNDC = y(1:3) ./ y(4);
>> yViewport = [viewport(1) + 0.5*viewport(3)*(1 + yNDC(1)) ...
viewport(2) + 0.5*viewport(4)*(1 + yNDC(2))];
In order to reverse this process, you can perform the following steps:
1. Pick a pixel location '[u,v]'. Convert it from viewport coordinates to normalized device coordinates as shown below:
>> u = 2*(u - viewport(1))/viewport(3) - 1;
>> v = 2*(v - viewport(2))/viewport(4) - 1;
2. Expand it to two 4D homogeneous coordinates by making two vectors, one with z = 0.5, and the other with z = 1. Both should have 1 set for the fourth element:
>> pix1 = [u;v;0.5;1];
>> pix2 = [u;v;1;1];
2. Reverse the forward transformation for both points:
>> p1M = (proj_xfm*view_xfm*model_xfm)\pix1;
>> p2M = (proj_xfm*view_xfm*model_xfm)\pix2;
3. Perform perspective division to get 'real world' coordinates:
>> p1M = p1M(1:3)./p1M(4);
>> p2M = p2M(1:3)./p2M(4);
4. Find a direction vector connecting these two points:
>> dir = (p2M - p1M);
>> dir = dir / norm(dir);
5. Find the portion of the line connecting these two points that lies within the x-limits specified by the axes, and plot:
>> l_min = (xl(1) - p1M(1,:))./dirVec(1);
>> l_max = (xl(2) - p1M(1,:))./dirVec(1);
>> pl1 = p1M + l_min.*dirVec;
>> pl2 = p1M + l_max.*dirVec;
>> plot3([pl1(1) pl2(1)],...
[pl1(2) pl2(2)],...
[pl1(3) pl2(3)],...