MATLAB: How to convert all the cell in a columns from char to string


I have a table that contains char columns and double columns. I want to keep the same format but convert all the char into string to do some operation after.
'ABc' 'XYZ'
To : "ABC" "XYZ"

Best Answer

Hum! it's not actually that easy as you can't use the syntax yourtable(:, somecolumns) to change the type of the column from cell array to string.
Option 1: use . indexing over the char columns
for columnname = yourcharcolumnnames %where yourcharcolumnnames is a cell array of the char column names
yourtable.(columnname{1}) = string(yourtable.(columnname{1}));
Option 2: create an auxiliary function for varfun that can take any column type
function column = convertcolumn(column)
if iscell(column) && ~isempty(column) && ischar(column)
column = string(column);
which you use with varfun:
newtable = varfun(@convertcolumn, yourtable);