MATLAB: Table: how to extract rows that contain a certain string and put those values into a new column


eg if my table looks like this:
column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4
083282 128033 houseman eiuefief
983298 120942 penhouse wfdwhf
239832 108128 random idqiydqy
Say I want to extract all column 3 rows that contain the string "house" and put these values into column 5 so they look like this:
column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5
083282 128033 houseman eiuefief houseman
983298 120942 penhouse wfdwhf penhouse
239832 108128 random idqiydqy
Because column 5 has to have the same height as the other columns, the rows that don't contain the column can have NaN, 0, missing or something else to indicate that they don't contain anything:
column 1 column 2 column 3 column 4 column 5
083282 128033 houseman eiuefief houseman
983298 120942 penhouse wfdwhf penhouse
239832 108128 random idqiydqy NaN

Best Answer

YourTable.NewVariableName = string(nan(height(YourTable, 1)));
mask = contains(YourTable{:,3}, "house");
YourTable.NewVariableName(mask) = YourTable{mask,:3};