MATLAB: How to convert 3 hourly data into a 6 hourly data

meantime series

I have a 3D variable (time,latitude,longitude) every 3hourly (regular). I need to change this variable into 6 hourly by averaging (eg, 0hr and 3hr of old variable averaged, and stored as first time step in the new variable). In total my old variable has 56 time steps. How should I go about?

Best Answer

In R2016b
[m,n,k] = size(A);
t = hours(0:3:(k-1)*3);
Ar = reshape(A,m,[]);
TT = table2timetable(array2table(Ar),'RowTime',t(:));
T1 = retime(TT,TT.Time(1:2:end),'mean');
out = reshape(T1{:,:},[],n,k);
[m,n,k] = size(A);
t = hours((0:m-1)*3)';
o1 = varfun(@mean,array2table([floor(t / hours(6)) + 1,reshape(A,m,[])]),...
out = reshape(o1{:,3:end},[],n,k);