MATLAB: How to connect Phantom (Robot) to windows real-time target

simulinkSimulink Desktop Real-Timetarget hardwarewindows real-time target

I have a Phantom Omni Robot, which is connected to the computer via IEEE 1394, and PCI board. Windows real-time target does not support this type of board (It was not on the list of install boards). And I want to install new board. How can I do this? The information presented in help of MATLAB did not help me to do such work.

Best Answer

From this page:
"The device drivers supported by the Real-Time Windows Target software are listed at Supported I/O Boards. If no driver is listed for the board that you want to use, you may be able to write a custom device driver.
A user-written custom device driver must program the board directly at the register level. All supported Real-Time Windows Target drivers use this technique. The Real-Time Windows Target software supports I/O mapped board registers for custom device drivers. The Real-Time Windows Target software does not support memory-mapped board registers for custom device drivers.
If you want to use an unsupported board that you believe should be supported, contact MathWorks Technical Support."
Here is the documentation if you'd like to write your own driver: Custom I/O Driver Basics.