MATLAB: How to configure MATLAB running on Windows to communicate with ModelSim running on Linux using EDA Simulator Link MQ 2.5 (R2008b)

communicationconfigurationedaEDA Simulator Link DSlinklinuxmodelsimsimulinkwindows

I have MATLAB running on Windows and I wish to communicate with ModelSim running on a Linux machine.
So I want to know the steps of configuring the EDA Simulator Link for ModelSim to communicate between Windows and Linux.

Best Answer

Here are the steps to implement the same:-
On the system where MATLAB is installed:
1. Find the directory in the MATLAB distribution where the EDA Simulator Link MQ linux libraries are located. (Should be MATLAB/toolbox/modelsim/linuxXX, where XX = 32 or 64, depending upon the Linux platform the customer is using).
On the Linux machine
1. Copy the appropriate Linux EDA Simulator Link MQ hdl server library, found in the first step, to the Linux machine and note the location where it is placed. For this example, call the destination “HDLSERVER_LIB_LOCATION”. (The appropriate file is chosen based upon the compiler requirements. See EDA Simulator Link MQ documentation “Getting Started -> Using the EDA Simulator Link MQ Libraries”.)
2. Launch ModelSim on Linux with the following command:
vsim -foreign "simlinkserver
-socket yyyy" work.inverter_vl
Where yyyy = socket number chosen by the user.
On the Windows machine:
1. Start MATLAB and open the Simulink model
2. Double click the cosimulation block in the model to open the block dialog.
3. Select the “Connection” pane.
4. Uncheck the box labeled “The HDL simulator is running on this computer.” Observer that the “Connection method” changes to “Socket”.
5. Type the correct Linux hostname into the “Host name” box.
6. Type the chosen port number into the box labeled “Port number or service”. (This is yyyy in the Linux machine instructions above.)
7. Execute simulation in Simulink or use the “Auto Fill” button on the “Ports” pane of the cosimulation block to acquire the port names from the HDL simulator, if they have not already been entered.