MATLAB: How to Compare value returned by regexp and another string

regexp compare string char strcmp cell

cni =regexp (nameF, '.txt', 'split');
I want to compare cni with a String by using strcmp for exemple strcmp(cni,'aa') so I converted its type by using char(cni) since cni is cell but it still returns false even they have the same value. What am I missing here ?

Best Answer

"What am I missing here?" &nbsp I guess you are missing that
cni =regexp (nameF, '.txt', 'split');
returns a &nbsp<1x2 cell> array and that char(cni) returns a &nbsp<2x2 char> matrix
>> nameF='aa.txt';
cni =regexp (nameF, '.txt', 'split')
cni =
'aa' ''
>> char( cni )
ans =
>> double( char( cni ) )
ans =
97 97
32 32
instead use
strcmp( cni{1}, 'aa' )
or if 'aa.txt' is a filename
>> [ ~, name ] = fileparts('aa.txt')
name =
>> strcmp( name, 'aa' )
ans =