MATLAB: Find one of strings into cell array

cell arrayscompare stringsMATLABstring indexes

Hello all!
I have an cell array 'inputs' with strings and numbers and I need find where one of the strings from an another cell array of strings is located.
inputs = {'str1' 'str2' 'str3' single(1.5) 'str4' uint16(500) 'str5' single(2)};
In order to check if 'str1' belongs to 'inputs' and gets its index I do:
find(strcmpi(inputs, 'str1'))
ans = 1
But if I want to find where one string of a cell array of strings is located
find(strcmpi(inputs, {'str1' 'str3' 'str4'}))
Error using strcmpi
Inputs must be the same size or either one can be a scalar.
I would like to see
ans = 1 3 5
Also 'ismember' doesn't work as 'inputs' has numbers as well. Then I wrote:
cellfun(@(c)strcmpi(c,inputs),{'str1' 'str3' 'str4'},'UniformOutput',false)
ans = 1×3 cell array
{1×8 logical} {1×8 logical} {1×8 logical}
Now I have the logical results as 1×3 of 1×8 and, if I could perform an OR operation and bring this 1×3(1×8) to 1×8, I could apply 'find' and get the right indexes. I have tried to use OR together with 'cellfun' but I failed miserably. At this point I reached this thread:
The solution was to use 'ismember' what is not possible in my case. So my questions are:
  1. Is there any way to perform OR operation with this 1×3(1×8) cell array and bring it to 1×8 without FOR loop?
  2. Is there another approach to this problem?
Thanks in advance for your support!

Best Answer

   find(ismember(cellfun(@(V) lower(char(V)), inputs, 'uniform', 0), cellfun(@lower, {'str1', 'str3', 'str4'}, 'uniform', 0)))


find(any(cell2mat(cellfun(@(c)strcmpi(c,inputs).', {'str1' 'str3' 'str4'}, 'UniformOutput',false)),2))

The first of those has the small flaw that a non-character value that happened to have the same numeric value as a single char target string could be recognized. For example 98 could be matched as if it were 'b'. Also, not everything can be converted to char -- logical cannot, struct cannot.