MATLAB: How to Change Values of a Field by an Indexing Array

arrayindexing arraystruct

Here’s my initial struct:
A(1).B.C = 'a';
A(2).B.C = 'b';
A(3).B.C = 'a';
A(4).B.C = 'a';
I want to change the values of C based on values of Values and indexes of IndexingArray:
Values = {'a', 'b'}
IndexingArray = [1 1 0 1];
So, my struct will be:
A(1).B.C = 'b';
A(2).B.C = 'b';
A(3).B.C = 'a';
A(4).B.C = 'b';
What is the solution?

Best Answer

You could change each element individually via loop. But make sure you add 1 to the indexing array values because Matlab starts indexing at 1, not 0.
for k = 1:length(A)
A(k).B.C = Values(IndexingArray(k)+1);