MATLAB: How to change time interval in timeseries plot

time series

Hi there,
I have timeseries dataset('Model_01') which need to plot in a timeseries. The values need to plot in 3 hours interval but the figure represents 1 hour interval. How can I change that into 3h intervals? Folllowing commands use for the plot.
% plot model data
ts_Model_01 = timeseries(Model_01);
ts_Model_01.TimeInfo.Units = 'hours';
ts_Model_01.TimeInfo.StartDate = {datestr(datenum(num2str(buoy_start_date),'yyyymmdd'))}; % Set start date.
ts_Model_01.TimeInfo.Format = 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM'; % Set format for display on x-axis.
ts_Model_01.Time = ts_Model_01.Time - ts_Model_01.Time(1); % Express time relative to the start date
colorstring_Model = 'k';
plot(ts_Model_01,'-','Color', colorstring_Model,'LineWidth',1.5)
Your help is much appreciated.