MATLAB: How to change the foreground color of a block only, and not its output lines


I am trying to color a very specific set of blocks in a model. When I change their ForegroundColor parameter (both via Context Menu and CLI), the color of the output lines also change.
For example:
Screen Shot 2019-06-12 at 7.41.48 PM.png
1) The desired highlighting can be acheived with the following hilite_system command:
hilite_system(gcb, 'redWhite')
however there are several disadvantages to using this approach, namely that one cannot save the highlighting to the model (it will disappear on model close), and in addition to the blocks I want to highlight, it also highlights all parent subsystem blocks, which I do not want to highlight.
2) The only other alternative I can think of is to forego the use of ForegroundColor and instead use BackgroundColor.
Is there any way in which I can disable the coloring of output signals when setting the ForegroundColor of blocks?

Best Answer

There are no alternative coloring methods at this time.