MATLAB: Highlight Simulink model lines with custom colors


Hello Matlab Community,
Is there a way to highlight simulink model lines with predefined custom colors set?. I have used 'HiliteAncestors' line property, but 6 colors are available to use. Also, if i save the design and reopen, the previously set colors are disappeared, I see, that simulink does not save this line attribute.
Any ides?, Please help me
Thanks, Gagik

Best Answer

The HiliteAncestors property is currently documented as "internal use only" - so I'm not sure where you got example usage from. I think this property is related to the hilite_system function which is used to temporarily highlight blocks/subsystems (for example, in case of an error). The highlighted colors are therefore not saved to the model.
The more appropriate property for you to use is the block ForegroundColor property. You can either use one of the pre-defined colors: black, white, gray, red, orange, yellow, green, darkGreen, blue, lightBlue, cyan, magenta; or specify custom colors by using RGB values. For example:
set_param(gcb, 'ForegroundColor', '[0.2 0.8 0.4]')