MATLAB: How to change table to 2×1 double for app designer

app designerexcel file input

Hi Everyone,
I am trying to translate my script from the editor to app designer. I am lacking to understand how my data input for MATLAB editor is different from the input for the app designer.
  1. case input is a variable with a value of 2×1 double (my script works with this)
  2. case input would be an excel file uploaded by the user (causes error: Unrecognised function or variable)
The code to upload the excel file is:
[file, path] = uigetfile('*.xlsx');
data = readtable(fullfile(path, file));
app.UITable.Data = data;
data2 = app.UITable.Data
The second case would be a table. The difference in the input files causes an error. I don’t want to change the rest of the script as it is coded for a scatterplot with specified colormaps, it would be a pain to change it again. I am just looking for a way to transform the table into a suitable format.
I am very new to MATLAB and would appreciate any kind of help.
Update: table2array gives me the following error:

Best Answer

Hi Jyotsna Talluri,
I have solved this issue by making 'data' a property and by adding:
app.UITable.Data =;
Thank you for your message. The whole error can be seen in the screenshot, when sliding the window to the right.
It says:
Error using table2array (line 37)
Unable to concatenate the table variables 'Var1' and 'Var2', because their types are cell and double.