MATLAB: How to change set of image names into directory

image retrieval

imageNames = {'elephant.jpg','cameraman.tif','peppers.png','saturn.png',… 'pears.png','stapleRemover.jpg','football.jpg','mandi.tif',… 'kids.tif','liftingbody.png','office_5.jpg','gantrycrane.png',… 'moon.tif','circuit.tif','tape.png','coins.png'};
i want to change as imageNames = ('D:\work\Databse');
% Initialize structure for images and associated information numImages = numel(imageNames); emptyEntry = struct('image',[],'thumbnail',[]); imageCollection = repmat(emptyEntry,[1 numImages]); thumbnailSize = 400;

Best Answer

numImages is not the number of images in that folder, it's the length of the imageNames cell array. Though it's not really a cell array, it's just a single cell with the string holding the folder in the one and only cell. So the length is 1 cell, and numImages is 1. Please read the FAQ on cells and you will understand:
So, assuming you fix that, you didn't give your error message. I don't see anything in your code where you tried to open a database. Please GIVE ALL THE RED TEXT . Don't snip or paraphrase like you did. We want it all, line numbers, traceback, code statements, everything .