MATLAB: Error using imwrite to convert .tif files to .jpeg

digital image processingimageimage acquisitionimage processingMATLAB

I'm using the following code to convert .tif images to .jpeg
folder = 'D:\CAF\TR coke run Jan 21\';
imageFiles = dir([folder '\Images\*.tif']);
numImages = numel(imageFiles);
Settings = xml2struct([folder '\settings.xml']); %Converting XML to structure then accessing the number of the samples from the Settings file
NumOfSamples = str2double(Settings.Children(20).Children.Data);
destinationPath = mkdir([folder '\JPEG Images']);
for i = 1 : 5
currentImage = fullfile(imageFiles(i).folder, imageFiles(i).name);
img = imread(currentImage);
imageName = erase(convertCharsToStrings(imageFiles(i).name),'.tif');
newName = strcat(folder, 'JPEG Images\', imageName, '.jpg');
imwrite(img, newName);
but I get the following error message:
Error using writejpg (line 46)
Data with 4 components not supported for JPEG files.
Error in imwrite (line 546)
feval(fmt_s.write, data, map, filename, paramPairs{:});
I know that img is a "1024x1280x4 uint8" variable. Hence, I've tried writing imwrite(img(:,:,i), newName) to get the programme to write them. This works for the first 4 images but stops at the 5th, expectedly.
Is there any way around this?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

JPEG files are only going to be NxMx3. Try:
imwrite(img(:,:,1:3), newName);
If that doesn't work, please supply your TIFF's.