MATLAB: How to change many loops to recursive function

for loop recursive

Hi, i would like to replace for loops to recursive function. I also would like to have my 5 variables m,al,R0,R1,e in array of (min, max, step,name) because may be in the future i might have more variables so i just add more array and change my function f.
function xm = minfricloop
xm = [ Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf]; %For minimization

mmin = 3;
mmax = 12;
almin = 0.2;
almax = 1;
R0min = 0.014;
R0max = 0.020;
R1min = 0.025;
R1max = 0.030;
emin = 0.5;
emax = 0.9;
rpm = 20000;
ita = 0.1;
h0 = 2.51849556599183e-05;
n = 5;
for v = 0 :20
m = mmin + (mmax-mmin)*(v/(20));
for w = 0 :20
al = almin + (almax-almin)*(w/(20));
for x = 0 :20
R0 = R0min + (R0max-R0min)*(x/(20));
for y = 0 :20
R1 = R1min + (R1max-R1min)*(y/(20));
for z = 0 :20
e = emin + (emax-emin)*(z/(20));
k = (2*pi*e*(R0+R1)/(2*m))*tan(al*pi/180)/h0;
f = (R1-R0)*(rpm*2*pi*(R0+R1)/(2*60))*ita*(2*pi*e*(R0+R1)/(2*m))*((6/(k+2))+(4*log(k+1)/k))/h0;
if f < xm(6) %For minimization
xm = [m al R0 R1 e f];

Best Answer

Code attached showing how to use ndgrid for this kind of work.
On my system execution time is less than 0.15 seconds.
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