MATLAB: How to solve this equation

MATLABsolve equation

Hi,everyone,there is a equation as followed:
The values of the h0~h3 are given,then how to solve this equation?
thank you!

Best Answer

You need three values of f(x) in order to completely solve the equation.
Or it can be expressed in terms of the known constants together with the unknown f(0), f(1), f(2)
sum(-((h0 - 1 + R .* h1 + h2 * R.^2) .* f(0) + R .* ((h0 - 1 + R .* h1) .* f(1) + R .* f(2) .* (h0 - 1))) .* (1./R)^x ./ (3 * h3 .* R.^3 + 2 * h2 .* R.^2 + R * h1)
R = roots([h3, h2, h1, h0-1]);
Note: all three roots of R must be included, even if imaginary!