MATLAB: How to call two non-empty square matrixes

fprintfmatrix arraysquarematrices

his file to get the size of both input variables A and B and add further
statements to check that
A is a non-empty square matrix and B has the same number of rows
as A
% The input A should be a square matrix and B should have the same
% number of rows as A.
% On return the outputs U and Y are such that U is upper triangular
% and U*X=Y is an equivalent linear system to A*X=B.

Best Answer

Check if A is square
if size(A, 1) == size(A, 2)
To check if size of A equals the size of B
if isequal(size(A), size(B))
To check if "B should have the same number of rows as A":
if size(A, 1) == size(B, 1)