MATLAB: How to call Sub window from Main window on GUIDE


How can I call Sub window from Main window on GUIDE?

Best Answer

On GUIDE, you may want to call a Sub window from the Main window, typically by pressing a pushbutton on the Main window.
1) Design main window and sub window. A pushbutton should be located on the main. main.m, main.fig, sub.m, sub.fig would be preserved.
2) Under the pushbutton Callback, which is "function pushbutton_Callback", call "sub".
3) If you wish to add input arguments into "sub", you can receive variables through "varargin" in Opening Function of sub, which is "function sub_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)".
a = 123
b = 456
a = varargin{1} %123
b = varargin{2} %456