MATLAB: How to open more than one copy of the same GUIDE-generated GUI in MATLAB


I have created a GUI in GUIDE. I would like to have more than one instance of the GUI open at once. However, whenever I start the GUI, only one figure window is ever created. Each subsequent call to the GUI function only refreshes the figure.

Best Answer

You may modify this option from within GUIDE. To do so, follow these steps:
1) open your GUI in GUIDE
2) open the 'tools' menu, and go to 'GUI Options...'
3) uncheck the box which says "GUI allows only one instance to run (singleton)"
4) Click "OK" and save the file
NOTE: Do not change the value of gui_Singleton in your script/function. If you make any additional changes to your figure in GUIDE via the editor, any changes to gui_Singleton will be reset without warning.