MATLAB: How to call a character saved in ‘uicontrol’ ‘string’

callbackguiguideMATLABmatlab gui

I created a for loop using uicontrol for creating pushbuttons as number of pushbuttons vary dynamically. here is my code:
for j = 1: length(ConnectionObjectProperties(1,:))
X(j) = uicontrol('parent',Window23,'Tag','SelectedConnectionObject',...
'Position',[300 (600-80*j) 100 30],...
when ever I calling 'string' handle in the callback function, It displays all the names saved in 'ConnectionObjectProperties' ,I want to know the pushbutton which is pressed or string which is saved againt that particular pushbutton.
ConnectionObjectProperties is in cell format
can you please help me.
thank you

Best Answer

It is not clear what "It displays all the names saved in 'ConnectionObjectProperties'" means. What is "it"? The shown code looks fine (see below for a tiny change), so I assume the problem is what you display later on - but this part of teh code has not been posted.
function main
ConnectionObjectProperties = {'string1', 'string2', 'string3'};
for j = 1:length(ConnectionObjectProperties)
X(j) = uicontrol('parent', Window23, 'Tag', 'SelectedConnectionObject',...
'Style', 'pushbutton',...
'String', ConnectionObjectProperties{1,j},...
'Position', [300 (600-80*j) 100 30],...
'callback', @DisplayConnectionObjectProperties);
  1. length(ConnectionObjectProperties(1, :)) creates the vector explicitely only to measure its length. Either use length(ConnectionObjectProperties) or size(ConnectionObjectProperties, 2).
  2. Extract the string from the cell string using curly braces instead of the round parenthesis.
  3. Giving all buttons the same tag might be the reason, why you get all strings later on. Unique tags are much better, but it is much better not to use the tags for addressing at all:
function DisplayConnectionObjectProperties(hObject, EventData)
This displays the string of the selected button. Looks easy :-)