MATLAB: How to calculate the area from those charts


I'm new here, so my question isn't very well structured. Sorry for that.
Is there any way to calculate the blue area from the 2d chart and the grey area (triangle/pyramid) from the 3d chart? It doesn't have to be 100% accurate. Thank you.

Best Answer

Regarding 2D area, you can use trapz or integral function.
As for the 3D volume of pyramid, you can simply utilize known formula: "volume = base area x height / 3". The following is an example.
% Given 4 points
pointA = [0.25 0.75 0];
pointB = [0.65 0.25 0.41];
pointC = [0.45 0.25 0];
pointD = [0.35 0.25 0];
% Calculate area of the base triangle ACD
x = [pointA(1) pointC(1) pointD(1) pointA(1)];
y = [pointA(2) pointC(2) pointD(2) pointA(2)];
triACD = polyarea(x,y);
% Calculate volume using the formula (volume = base area x height / 3)
volume = triACD * pointB(3) * (1/3);