MATLAB: How to calculate difference between two dates when the date is in dd-mm format only


I have dates of a partcular year as follows in the matrix format:
month1 date1 month2 date2
6 9 10 1
7 15 8 15
11 15 12 4
I want to calculate the number of days in between date2/month2 – date1/month1. How to calculate it?

Best Answer

Using datetime:
A = [6 9 10 1
7 15 8 15
11 15 12 4];
t = datetime(zeros(size(A,1),2),A(:,[1,3]),A(:,[2,4]))
res = duration(t(:,2)-t(:,1),'Format','d')
res =
3×1 duration array
114 days
31 days
19 days