MATLAB: Date and Time from Text with Literal Characters, Part 3


The data is like
Date Visitors
'Jan 1 2020' 100
'Jan 2 2020' 50
I now want to create a new variable 'date' and set the value of the second row to be 1/1/2020, and then increment one by one. How can one let Matlab do this?

Best Answer

date1 = datetime('Jan 1 2020','InputFormat', 'MMM dd uuuu','Format','M/d/yy');
date2 = datetime('Jan 5 2020','InputFormat', 'MMM dd uuuu','Format','M/d/yy');
date = date1:days(1):date2
date = 1×5 datetime array
1/1/20 1/2/20 1/3/20 1/4/20 1/5/20
Or if you know the number of rows but not the end date:
date = date1 + days(0:4)
date = 1×5 datetime array
1/1/20 1/2/20 1/3/20 1/4/20 1/5/20
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