MATLAB: How to break this while loop and store the data

breakMATLABstore datawhile loop

Hi! I'm trying to generate a collatz sequence for any n and to stop when n == 1. I used the following:
while n>1
if mod(n, 2)==0
n = n/2
if mod(n,2)~=0
n = (3.*n)+1
I thought it would stop generating when n reached 1, given the conditions for the while loop, but it just doesn't. As a result, it keeps running forever and matlab can't handle it and the site closes. I tried adding
if n==1
right after "while n>1" but it doesn't work either. I also want to store the sequence generated (which will vary in size depending on the value of n) and I don't know how to.
Thanks in advance!!

Best Answer

Try with this:
n = 7;
iter = 1;
seq(1) = n; %where the sequence is stored
while n > 1
if mod(n, 2)==0
n = n/2;
elseif mod(n,2)~=0
n = (3.*n) + 1;
iter = iter + 1;
seq(iter) = n;