MATLAB: Help with the fibonacci sequence code

fibonaccifibonacci sequenceMATLAB

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, … (add previous two numbers together for the next in the sequence)
1. Use a for-end statement to find the 100th number in the sequence.
2. Update this script using a while statement to find the first number in the sequence that has six digits.
This is my code until now.
% fibonacci
a=0; b=1; n=input('Enter no, of terms: ');
for i=1:n fprintf('%d',a); fprintf('\t') c=a+b; a=b; b=c;
I'm not sure if is correct. But the assignment require to find the 100th number with a for-end and the other part is to find the sequence that has six digits.

Best Answer

This is how I did it. This function will give the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence:
function f=fib(n)
s=[1, 1];
if n>2
for i=3:n
s(i) = s(i-1)+s(i-2)
f = s(n)
The number of digits in a number, n, is
so you can write a loop:
while nd < 6
fn = fib(n)
nd = floor(log10(fn))+1;
When this loop ends, fn is the first Fibonacci number with 6 digits, and it is the nth in the sequence.