MATLAB: How to average a matrix of 105108X6 constructed every 5 minutes measured data to 15 min


Hello Matlab community,
I have a matrix (105108X6) of climate variables gathered every 5 minutes of one year, I wanna average this information every 15 minutes and store the info in a new matrix, how can I do that? I tried doing a loop like this:
dat_cal_15 = zeros(round(length(dat_cal)/3),1)
for i=1:round(length(dat_cal)/3)
for a = 3*((i-1)+1)-2
for b = 3*i
dat_cal(i,1)= round(mean(dat_cal(a:b)));
but is not working for all the columns….
thank you for your help

Best Answer

I's suggest using a timetable.
Frist convert your matrix to timetable using array2timetable,
dat_cal_TT = array2timetable(X,'RowTimes',time_column_here)
and then use retime,
TT_15min_mean = retime(dat_cal_TT,min_15_time_vector,'mean')
create a time vector (min_15_time_vector) with your desired sample time.