MATLAB: How to assign struct to an empty cell

blockcell arraysmatlab functionscriptsimulinkstructures

I am creating a blockTable but I'm stuck at where I try to put all my struct to an empty cell (blockCell)
function blockTable = createBlockTable(modelName)
getBlock = find_system(modelName, 'FindAll', 'on', 'FollowLinks', 'on', 'LookUnderMasks', 'all', 'Type', 'Block');
blockCell = cell(1, length(getBlock));
for n = 1:length(getBlock)
structTable = struct('Handle', get(getBlock(n), 'Handle'), 'Name', get(getBlock(n), 'Name') );
I am wonder is it possible to use 'assignin' syntax to do this job, is there any way to solve this problem

Best Answer

for this question, I just solve it myselft by adding
blockCell{1, n} = structTable;
right after
structTable = struct('Handle', get(getBlock(n), 'Handle'), 'Name', get(getBlock(n), 'Name') );