MATLAB: ‘cell’ error


I have been chasing this error for about an hour and a half and don't know where to look. In this function I am passing in a number of strings. I also have a few "get(handles.xrayUseBox,'Value')" inputs to the function. I keep getting the error below and am stumped. What does this mean? Do I have a variable undefined? (I'm pretty sure the answer to that is no) or am I using an input in an improper way?
??? Undefined function or method 'noise_function_test_EE1' for input arguments of type 'cell'.
The error is then pointing at the function. Thank you

Best Answer

You can use the debugger to find out more details:
dbstop if error
Then MATLAB stops in the line, which causes the error and you can inspect the types of the local variables. Obviously it contains a function 'noise_function_test_EE1' with a cell as input, but such a function does not exist.
If you cannot solve the problem, post the relevant lines here.
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