MATLAB: How to assign label from one cell array to data inside another cell array

cell arrayscellfunfunction handle

Hello everyone,
I have a 10*200 cell array C which each of these cells contains 1*1000 cell array.
I have another 10*200 cell array B which contains labels.
for example C{1,1} has label B{1,1}. I would like to assign label B{1,1} to each of 1000 cell array in cell C{1,1}. How can I do that? I would like to creat a function, and then apply this function to each cell array of C using cellfun. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

Don't be obsessed with cellfun(). A simple for-loop will do
C = {ones(4,5), 2*ones(4,5), 3*ones(4,5); 4*ones(4,5), 5*ones(4,5), 6*ones(4,5)};
B = {7, 8, 9 ; 10, 11, 12};
for k=1:numel(C)
This answers your original question. Maybe then you can apply E=cellfun() in your note.