MATLAB: How to combine cell arrays into a uniform one

#combine #cell #arrayMATLAB

Can anybody please help me with this problem:
I have a cell array 8×1. 1 column of 8 this {100×1 double} cells. And also I have another cell array 4×1. 1 column of 4 this {100×1 double} cells. I need to join them in one clumn of 12 cells. I would think the syntax it is similar to normal arrays like joint_array=[A;B].
I was trying different ways but the best result is 2×1 cell array
{8×1 cell}
{4×1 cell}
I need to smoosh it all into one box, to become 12×1 cell array. the data in cells is same type {100×1 double}
thank you.

Best Answer

C = {{1:3},{3:5}} % an example data
C = vertcat(C{:}) % combined cell array as one
vertcat(C{:}) % concatenated again to convert as a double array