MATLAB: How to assign a number to another number and then create sequences in which I can swap them at will


Hi guys!
I have a sequence of numbers which I want to assign to another sequence of numbers:
numbers_b=[11:14, 21:24, 31:34, 41:44, 51:54, 61:64, 71:74, 81:84, 91:94, 101:104];
assigned=[numbers; numbers_b]'
assigned =
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 21
6 22
7 23
8 24
9 31
10 32
11 33
12 34
13 41
14 42
15 43
16 44
17 51
18 52
19 53
20 54
21 61
22 62
23 63
24 64
25 71
26 72
27 73
28 74
29 81
30 82
31 83
32 84
33 91
34 92
35 93
36 94
37 101
38 102
39 103
40 104
Now I want these assignments to be fixed. I have a certain sequence of numbers_b (second column) and I'd like to have a column with the corresponding numbers of numbers (first column).
Example: My sequence starts with 82 11 23 53 82 …..
That would mean I get 30 1 7 19 30 …..
Furthermore, my sequence contains 160 numbers of numbers_b.
Does anybody know how that could be done?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Check this code
numbers_b=[11:14, 21:24, 31:34, 41:44, 51:54, 61:64, 71:74, 81:84, 91:94, 101:104];
assigned=[numbers; numbers_b]';
x = [82 11 63 53 82]; % I guess 3rd number is supposed to be 63 in your question
[~, idx] = ismember(x, assigned(:,2));
y = assigned(idx, 1);