MATLAB: How to append data for a variable column in a matrix

concatenationfor loopmatrix

I load an excel sheet using xlsread command. The excel sheet can have any number of rows and columns.
Example of the matrix (3*2)from the excel sheet will look like this:
System Code
AW WP000
The above matrix can have any length. Based on the column dimension, I want to concatenate the rows with a '-'. For e.g. the second row after concatenation can look like AEA-AEA00.
Could you suggest a way out for implementing the same?

Best Answer

D = {'AEA', 'AEA00'; 'AW', 'WP000'}
you can concatenate e.g. row 1 with
>> sprintf( '%s-', D{1,:} )
ans =
and remove the last dash afterwards. For performing this on the whole array:
nRows = size( D, 1 ) ;
Dcat = cell( nRows, 1 ) ;
for k = 1 : nRows
tmp = sprintf( '%s-', D{k,:} ) ;
Dcat{k} = tmp(1:end-1) ;
This works with an arbitrary number of rows and columns. In the present case, it outputs
>> Dcat
Dcat =
  • You might want to truncate the first row if it contains 'System Code'.
  • This solution assumes that each row has the same number of non-empty columns. Let me know if it isn't the case; it is easy to add a line which selects only non-empty cells before the call to SPRINTF.