MATLAB: How to append cell arrays with a very specific form

cell arrayscombine data

I have a cell array looking like this
'Rating1' [] [] [] '8'
'Rating1' [] [] '3' []
'Rating1' '2' [] [] []
'Rating1' [] '2' [] []
'Rating2' '5' [] [] []
'Rating2' [] '6' [] []
'Rating2' [] [] '3' []
'Rating2' [] [] [] '7'
'Rating3' '7' [] [] []
'Rating3' [] '7' [] []
'Rating3' [] [] '3' []
'Rating3' [] [] [] '7'
with more than a hundred ratings
I want it to look likes this:
'Rating1' '2' '2' '3' '8'
'Rating2' '5' '6' '3' '7'
'Rating3' '7' '7' '3' '7'
So I have to make a new variable where it appends the score in the columns based on the string in the first column.
I can't really wrap my head around this problem. Can anybody help me perhaps, or give me a push in the right direction?
Thanks alot,
Piet (pronounce as Pete)

Best Answer

As long as your data meet some assumptions:
  • each group contains exactly the same number of rows (four in your example), and
  • each row contains one non-empty data value (in columns 2 - 5).
  • The groups are contiguous.
>> C = {...
'Rating1' [] [] [] '8'
'Rating1' [] [] '3' []
'Rating1' '2' [] [] []
'Rating1' [] '4' [] []
'Rating2' '5' [] [] []
'Rating2' [] '6' [] []
'Rating2' [] [] '3' []
'Rating2' [] [] [] '7'
'Rating3' '7' [] [] []
'Rating3' [] '7' [] []
'Rating3' [] [] '3' []
'Rating3' [] [] [] '7'
>> D = permute(reshape(C(:,2:5),4,[],4),[1,3,2]);
>> D(cellfun('isempty',D)) = [];
>> D = [C(1:4:end,1),reshape(D,4,[]).']
D =
'Rating1' '2' '4' '3' '8'
'Rating2' '5' '6' '3' '7'
'Rating3' '7' '7' '3' '7'