MATLAB: How to adjust plot scaling/divisions


Hi Everyone, I have the following plots:
I want to show the values between the limits 1000 and 500 on the y-axes. MATLAB automatically chooses to show only the limit values. I would appreciate any help on this.Thanks.

Best Answer

ylim([500 1000])
doc ylim % for details
"...the intermediate values still don't show"
Then set ticks where you want them...
Hadn't actually noticed the two axes as the color on the RH one is quite light and doesn't show well...anyway, presuming that it's plotyy, there are two axes handles from a call such as
hAx=plotyy(xL,yL,xR,yR); % where the two axes handles are in hAx
Now use those two handles in the call to ylim and to set the tick values...or, since know want each just make a single call to set
set(hAx(1),'ylim',[500 1000],'ytick',[500:100:1000]) % LH axes
Now repeat with desired values for the RH axes as
set(hAx(2), 'ytick',[0:100:500]) % RH axes