MATLAB: How to adjust and save a .txt file within a for loop

for looptxt

I have a .dpj file which is in fact a normal .txt file. I would like to open, change a number, save under a specific name and close the file all within a for loop without loosing the basic file.
My question is how I can do this for example if the number is standing in the line 100 of the text file behind KLEFF?
The filename under which I want to save the .dpj file should be numbered depending on the for loop.
By myself this part works except that the .dpj files are not readable anymore:
for i=0:N;
save (savename);
Many thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Folder = cd; % Set accordingly
N = 10;
for iFile = 0:N
% Read the text:
File = fullfile(Folder, sprintf('textfile%d.dpj', iFile));
Str = fileread(File);
CStr = strsplit(Str, '\n');
% Change the line:
Line = CStr{100};
Line = [strtok(Line, '='), sprintf('= %g', rand)];
CStr{100} = Line;
% Write the text:
NewFile = fullfile(Folder, sprintf('textfile%d_modified.dpj', iFile));
fid = fopen(NewFile, 'w');
if fid == -1
error('Cannot open file for writing: %s', FileName);
fprintf(fid, '%s\n', CStr{:});