MATLAB: How to Add text to 3-D bar chart (bar3) on the top of each bar

bar chartbar3datatext;visualizing

I am trying to visualise data as a 3-D bar chart. I used "bar3" function.
How I can add text (the value) on the top of each chart?
I tried to write the following code, and it works well.
But I still need to add some text on the plot.
72.71683742 46.68656078 52.79741961 52.20167451 50.83051373;
74.50372032 52.25829563 64.02911011 62.78763198 61.79562594;
63.10542986 50.6254902 56.6627451 53.09019608 52.96666667;
67.62513583 58.98431373 62.33590527 62.04112554 65.53002292;
79.37428385 53.68823529 62.44705882 67.95098039 64.88431373];
%% Sensitivity Bar Chart
h = bar3(DATA_Sensitivity,'detached');
hh = get(h(3),'parent');
set(hh,'yticklabel',['PSD';'STD';'AM ';'SE ';'DE ']);
hhh = get(h(3),'parent');
set(hhh,'xticklabel',['ANN';'DT ';'LDA';'SVM';'KNN']);
ax = gca;
ax.YLabel.String = 'features';
ax.YLabel.FontSize = 16;
ax.XLabel.String = 'classfiers';
ax.XLabel.FontSize = 16;
ax.ZLabel.String = 'Sensitivity';
ax.ZLabel.FontSize = 16;
ax.Title.String = 'Avrage Sensitivity';
ax.Title.FontSize = 16;
zlim([0 100])

Best Answer

What will the labels be?
Have you looked at this answer yet?
Assuming your labels are numeric, here's how I'd do it using the code you've provided
[X,Y] = meshgrid(1:size(DATA_Sensitivity,2), 1:size(DATA_Sensitivity,1));
text(X(:), Y(:), DATA_Sensitivity(:), num2str(DATA_Sensitivity(:)), 'HorizontalAlignment','center', 'VerticalAlignment','bottom')