MATLAB: Bar plot with bars in different colors


Hi I have the common problem. I have to plot a bar chart with sorted medians for enzymes and the enzymes shall be colored in blue or red depending on their reversibility.
Here is the data:
data = [.142 31 1;.156 7 1;.191 2 0;.251 6 0]
%First column is the sorted value
%Second column is the index for the YTickLabel
%Third column is the reaction direction
% Data(1,3) = 1 -> bar in red
% Data(1,3) = 0 -> bar in blue
uniNames = {'eno','pck','zwf','...'};
%This was the original script….
h = hist(data(1:end,1))
xlabetxt = uniNames(data(:,2));
ylim([0 .5])
ylabel('median log2 fold change','FontSize',15)

Best Answer

data = [.142 3 1;.156 5 1;.191 2 0;.251 4 0];
%First column is the sorted value
%Second column is the index for the YTickLabel
%Third column is the reaction direction
% Data(1,3) = 1 -> bar in red
% Data(1,3) = 0 -> bar in blue
uniNames = {'eno','pck','zwf','foo' 'bar'};
%This was the original script....
H = data(:, 1);
N = numel(H);
for i=1:N
h = bar(i, H(i));
if i == 1, hold on, end
if data(i, 3) == 1
col = 'r';
col = 'b';
set(h, 'FaceColor', col)
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', '')
xlabetxt = uniNames(data(:,2));
ylim([0 .5]); ypos = -max(ylim)/50;
text(1:N,repmat(ypos,N,1), ...
ylabel('median log2 fold change','FontSize',15)