MATLAB: How to add rows of data to a GUI Table Column


I have an empty GUI table with two columns and 4 rows. I am filling the table with data which I am getting from XML Nodes. Here is the sample code.
Data = cell(1,eyeContactInstances.getLength);
for l = 0:eyeContactInstances.getLength-1
eyeContactInstance = eyeContactInstances.item(l);
Data{l+1} = char(eyeContactInstance.getTextContent);
My problem is that the Data is being added to the table as new columns on the first row. I need the opposite, I need to add the Data as new rows under the First Column.
And it seems that the Data Array is having the values and adding additional "…" between each value!
I can't seem to know why.
I have attached the image of the table and the Result.
Thank you for any assistance.

Best Answer

Data{l+1, 1} = char(eyeContactInstance.getTextContent);