MATLAB: How to add more tick marks between the x-axis labels

axis value labelhistogrammore tick marks

My x-axis on a histogram goes from [0 80] in steps of 10 when I plot by default. I have altered my bin size to 0.5 and I would like my tick marks to occur every 0.5 or every 1.5 so that these values can be better interpreted. I only want the value labels on the x-axis every 5 or 10 (since that is all that will fit without overlapping).
In the code below, I have tried to use minor tick marks and different ways of assigning tick mark locations, but when I adjusted the labels, the values went to the first 10 ticks and did not distribute out (since they are characters).
if true
hINT=histogram(Zint(:,2), 'BinWidth', 0.5)
title('Histogram Interface')
xlim([0 80])
ax.XMinorTick = 'on'
%set(gca, 'XTick', 0:0.5:80)
Thank you in advance for any help!

Best Answer

hINT = histogram(Zint(:,2), 'BinWidth', 0.5)
title('Histogram Interface')
xlim([0 80])
ax = hINT.Parent; % Important
set(ax, 'XTick', 0:0.5:80)
This should be enough, because Matlab sets the tick labels automatically.