MATLAB: How to add histogram to series of scattered plot on the same plot

image processingMATLABplotting

I would like to add hitogram for each scatter plot.
The code below plots in different color each slice of 3 dim scatter matrix.
I would like to replace 'scatter' with 'scatterhist' but the code does not work anymore.
n = [1:1:10]; % X
m = [1:1:3]; % Y
z1 = rand(1,20);
z2 = rand(1,20);
zr1 = reshape(z1,1,1,[]); % Z

zr2 = reshape(z2,1,1,[]); % Z
F1 = meshgrid(n,m).*zr1; %XYZ

F2 = meshgrid(n,m).*zr2; %XYZ
C = jet(length(n))
for en = 1:length(n)
for pll = 1:length(m)
scatter(reshape(F1(pll,en,:),1,[]),reshape(F2(pll,en,:),1,[]),[],C(en,:)); % ? scatterhist
hold on
hold off

Best Answer

scatterhist() uses different syntax than scatter(). It seems like you need to enter all the data at once, as vectors, and then use a grouping variable. Try this:
groups = repelem(1:numel(n), numel(z1)*numel(m));
scatterhist(reshape(permute(F1,[3 1 2]),[],1), reshape(permute(F2,[3 1 2]),[],1),...
'Group', groups(:),...
'Color', C);