MATLAB: From kron to repmat and reshape


I am trying to perform the same task following two different methods:
Z = 20;
W = 30;
A = 50;
ans =
20 30
First method:
b = squeeze(a(:,1));
result1 = kron(b,ones(A,1))*ones(1,A);
ans =
1000 50
Second method:
b = repmat(a,[1,1,A,A]);
c = squeeze(b(:,1,:,:));
result2 = reshape(c,[Z*A,A]);
assert( all(all(result1 == result2)) )
These two methods should give the same answer, the first using kron and the second using repmat and then reshape (or some other function). The problem is that reshape and kron do not move entries in the same way, hence reshape should be substituted with something else (or differently specified). Thanks for the attention.
Sincerely Luca

Best Answer

Z = 2;
W = 3;
A = 5;
a = rand(Z, W);
b = squeeze(a(:,1));
c1 = kron(b, ones(A,1)) * ones(1,A); % "b" instead of "a"?!
c2 = reshape(permute(repmat(reshape(a(:,1), [1,1,2]), A, A), [2,3,1]), [], A);