MATLAB: How to add a line break to text entered in the Block Help field when creating a masked subsystem in Simulink 5.1 (R13SP1)


How do I add a line break to text entered in the Block Help field when creating a masked subsystem in Simulink 5.1 (R13SP1)?
I have text that appears professional when I add it to the Mask Help field on the Documentation tab in the Mask Editor. When I look at the documentation I created from the block itself (clicking on the Help button from my masked subsystem), the text does not appear as it did in the Mask Help field; it is not formatted at all.
The documentation about the Mask Help field is accessed by typing the following command at the prompt in MATLAB 6.5.1 (R13SP1) or later versions:
web([docroot '/toolbox/simulink/ug/masking13.html'])

Best Answer

You can use several HTML tags to create formatted text in the Mask Help field. The following are some common tags that can be used:
New paragraph:<p>...</p>
Bold text:<b>...</b>
Italicized text:<i>...</i>
Non-breaking space:& nbsp;
Line break:<br>
Horizontal line:<hr>
Hyperlink:<a href=h t t p ://>text for link</a>