MATLAB: How to access an cell array using an cell array of indices

cell array access

Hello All, Suppose we have cell arrays as A={[1 2 3],[4 5 6 7 8],[9 10 11 12]} B={[1:2],[2:4],[1:3]} How can I access A using B as indices, namely, extracting the first cell of A, A{1} using the index number from B{1}, etc. Therefore the output will be {[1 2],[5 6 7],[9 10 11]}
I greatly appreciate your input!!

Best Answer

Using cellfun (not faster, just more compact):
>> A = {[1,2,3],[4,5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]};
>> B = {1:2,2:4,1:3};
>> C = cellfun(@(a,b)a(b),A,B,'uni',0);
>> C{:}
ans =
1 2
ans =
5 6 7
ans =
9 10 11