MATLAB: How it is possible to find the eigenvalues of a 2*2 matrice without using of eigen function


Hi every one,
I tried to fine eigenvalues of 2*2 A matrix with det(A-landa*I) and my script is follow as:
clear all
syms landa
a=input('please enter value of a:');
b=input('please enter value of b:');
c=input('please enter value of c:');
d=input('please enter value of d:');
A=[a b; c d]; I=[1 0;0 1]; B=landa*I;
firstly, I defined landa as syms and after finding determinant, with a=1, b=2, c=3 and d=4, the result is 'landa^2 – 5*landa – 2' . (it is a 2 degree polynomial that saved in D)
so my problem is: How I could got the coefficients of this polynomial for finding the landa1 and landa2 as eigenvalues of A matrix?

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