MATLAB: How exactly the ‘Enable’ property works for GUI elements (ans is it bugged??)


I experienced the following behavior. Created a push button (we talk about uifigure) set its 'Enable'='off' attached a 'ButtonPushedFcn' to it.
So far so good, then i proceed to play around with my UI the button is disabled and grayed out, I click on it and nothing happens (as it should)
Then I proceed to click it again multiple times in quick succession, nothing happens (again as it should) then suddenly my callback function is called!!!!!!!!
I can reproduce this behavior and it is really confuses me, please let me know if you have any advice on the matter.
For refference:
matlab.ui.control.Button('Parent', myHandle , 'BackgroundColor', myBackground,...
'Position', myPosition ,'Enable','off', 'Text', myText,...
'HorizontalAlignment', 'center','FontName', 'arial','FontWeight', 'bold','FontSize', 11,...
'ButtonPushedFcn', @(src,event) myCallbackFcn(app,src,event,index));
function myCallbackFcn(app,src,event,index)

Best Answer

This bug got fixed in 2018b